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  • Mr Cheng Kok-kong, Hong Kong's Celebrated Lyricist -- Meet-the-Artist Session

Alternative Title
  • Artist-in-Residence Programme 2017/18

  • 駐校藝術家計劃 2017/18

  • 香江詞人鄭國江 -- 與藝術家會面

  • 2018

  • In an illustrious career spanning nearly 60 years, Mr Cheng Kok-kong, this year's Artist-in-Residence of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, has demonstrated unrivalled artistry in an outstanding oeuvre; he has more than 2,000 songs to his credit, many of which still enjoy immense popularity to this day. Some lines of his lyrics have even become popular quotes.

    Mr Cheng's lyrics touch on myriad themes as they illuminate the truths and emotions that fill our lives. From the innocence of childhood and the sweetness of love to the unpredictability of life, all are encapsulated in eloquent lines of melodic resonance and profound meaning. Mr Cheng is also much commended for his social consciousness to which scores of his works bear witness. He has written many songs about and for his hometown. Even when Hong Kong was at its lowest ebb, Mr Cheng's lyrics reminded Hong Kong people of this all-important thing: never lose faith.

    In the Meet-the-Artist Session, Mr Cheng will talk about his career in lyric-writing and pursuits of different art forms, offering invaluable insight to aspiring lyricists and artists.

    香港理工大學本年度駐校藝術家鄭國江先生填詞已近六十年,機杼一家,成就非凡,至今共撰歌詞逾二千首, 其中多首是家喻戶曉的經典歌曲,在世界各處華人社會廣泛流傳。名句如「命運是對手,永不低頭」、「鹹魚白菜也好好味」、「努力興建,盡情破壞」、「熱烈地彈琴熱烈地唱」更是深入民心,不斷為人引用。



  • The source file is provided by Culture Promotion and Events Office and reformatted by Pao Yue-Kong Library

Resource Type
  • image/jpeg

  • Postcard

  • Source format: 1 sheet : col.

  • AIR1718_C03