- Title
百年 (3)
- Creator
- Contributor
- Date
- Description
原曲: Dreaming of Home and Mother (1851) ; 《送别》由李叔同填寫
Composer name not on manuscript
13/9/05再修訂 -
Transcribed lyrics:
細回顧 近百年 屈辱多少篇
嘆吾土 幾番色變 山河血淚染
禍刼去 力求上進 今天當勝從前
愛和恕 效聖賢 不記往昔恨怨
鑑前車 不輕怠 家國挑於兩肩
強人強國 不屈不撓 壯懷天地見
- Resource Type
- Format
- Extent
210 x 297 mm
- Language
- Rights
Copyright of images contained in Cheng Kok-kong’s Lyric Manuscript Collection remains with Mr. Cheng Kok-kong. Reproduction, adaptation, distribution or dissemination of the images without expressed authorization of the copyright holder is not allowed.
- Identifier