  • Further correspondence with the CNAA on the Polytechnic's degree proposals : With appendix A-F

  • 1981

  • At Appendix A is a copy of a letter from the CNAA's Registrar for Technology, Dr. Austin Reid, subsequent to his last visit to the Polytechnic in January 1981. He has made useful comments in relation to the Polytechnic's degree submission, and has sent over copies of relevant information documents

Table of Contents
  • Appendix B: Boards of Examiners and related matters
    Appendix C: Notes for guidance on matters relating to the Award of the Council's First Degrees and diploma of Higher Education
    Appendix D: Notes for guidance for external examiners for courses leading to the Awards of the Council for National Academic Awards
    Appendix E: A note for guidance on critical appraisals of courses. This should be read in conjunction with the paper on monitoring and evaluation of courses by Dr. M.E. Foss (document APC/16/A13-V11)
    Appendix F: The contribution of research to courses in physics

  • This eBook is digitized by Pao Yue-Kong Library from the University Collection

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  • Source format: [56] p.

  • This eBook: 68 p.

  • Barcode: 0000801734419

  • Call No.: LB2391.H6 H582