  • Cheung Chau Jiao Festival

Alternative Title
  • Floating color parade

  • Cheung Chau Da Jiu Festival

  • 長洲太平清醮

  • 飄色巡遊

  • 1991-05-23

  • "The activity has been practised for more than 100 years. Legends say that Cheung Chau was devastated by a plague in the late Qing dynasty. To dispel the disaster, Huizhou and Chiu Chow natives invited accomplished monks and Taoist priests and set up a sacrificial altar in front of Pak Tai Temple to pray to deities, repent and to comfort departed souls from the land and the sea. The residents also paraded deity statues along village lanes. The plague did cease after the ritual. Since then, residents on Cheung Chau have been organising the annual Jiao Festival to express gratitude to Pak Tai for blessing the area with peace. For more than a century, Cheung Chau residents never stopped organising the annual Jiao Festival to dispel disaster and pray for blessings for peace and safety. With residents' participation every year, the ritual has been passed down through the generations. Cheung Chau Jiao Festival was inscribed onto the third national list of ICH in 2011.

    活動已傳承了百多年。據長洲島民相傳,清代晚期,長洲曾發生瘟疫,島民死亡枕藉。為求消災,惠潮籍居民延請高僧喃嘸,在北帝廟前設壇拜懺,超度水陸孤魂,更奉北帝神像綏靖遊行街道,之後,瘟疫果然停止。自此以後,島民每年皆舉辦太平清醮,酬謝北帝神恩,保境平安。百多年來,長洲島居民為禳災祈福,保境安民,一年一度舉辦太平清醮,從未間斷。節慶的豐富傳統內涵,在居民持續多年的參與中,得以傳承發展。長洲太平清醮於2011年列入第三批國家級非遺代表性項目名錄。" -- Intangible Cultural Heritage Office website

  • Known as the Bun Festival to Westerners, the event T‘ai p‘ing ch‘ing chan takes place in springtime at Cheung Chau every year

  • The original slide no.43 is missing

  • Islands

  • New Territories

  • The images are digitized by Pao Yue-Kong Library

Resource Type
  • Photographs

  • image/jpeg

  • Source format: 78 slides : col.

  • Call No.: GT4883.T34