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- Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Pao Yue-kong Library319
- Hong Kong Polytechnic243
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University231
- 香港理工大學41
- Student Affairs Office, Hong Kong Polytechnic University39
- 香港理工大學學生會學生報編輯委員會37
- School of Professional Education and Executive Development, Hong Kong Polytechnic University27
- 香港理工學院24
- PolyU Hong Kong Community College23
- 香港理工大學通識敎育中心20
- Education Technology Unit, Hong Kong Polytechnic19
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Faculty of Business17
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Management Information Office16
- 香港專業進修學院15
- Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Student Affairs Office14
- Office of Communications and Public Affairs14
- H. M. S. O.13
- Hong Kong Polytechnic. Management Information Unit13
- Hong Kong Technical College Students' Union13
- Imperial Maritime Customs Press13